
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

They’re guessing, and no doubt fishing for clicks.

X-rays from flares travel at the speed of light and hit us in about 8 minutes. Solar energetic particles (related to flares) take minutes to hours. A coronal mass ejection usually takes about 3 days. At the moment we have no way of predicting them before they happen, so X-ray flares have no early warning because nothing is faster than the speed of light. We can see a CME erupt and know if it’s heading our way.

There are a couple of good sized sunspots at the moment that are facing towards us so the chances of something happening are decent, but we don’t know if and when and how much.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The whole premise of asking basic questions is flawed. A wiki is perfect for answering 95% of peoples questions, so do that instead.

Discussion forums are great for complex, esoteric issues. But few people have those. Most have basic questions, so if you want bland content for the sake of it then go right ahead. Bye bye signal to noise.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

People talk a lot of insurrection but it’s very easy to sit on your ass and say “fuck the establishment” and feel like you’re doing something. When in fact, the platform is the very opiate that stops people from doing anything worthwhile

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (6 children)

IMAP supports TLS, what’s Proton’s excuse for enforcing their own delivery protocol?

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Don’t know don’t care, I haven’t been back since the bullshit started.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

One does not simply unjump the shark

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

It takes me about a week of holiday before I can read. No work stress, and less obsession with the continual dopamine hits of smart phones, eventually lets my brain relax enough to pick up a book.

Every time I come back from holidays I tell myself I should keep reading. I never have kept it up though..

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I don’t mind it. It’s outing all the companies who are run by people who lack critical thinking skills. Thanks for letting me know which corners of the internet to avoid

[–] 19 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is just a standard “clearing house” measure. Remove the dissidents, ignore the howls of complaint.. surround yourselves with “yes men” and then you are set

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Niche web forums still exist around a discrete interest group, they have lost a lot of traffic to enshittified giants but I think the people who post their lazy questions on facebook groups are better off there anyway. Repeat questions was an issue on web forums and still is, but I think having an additional torrent of ask-before-search users would make forums untenable now.

The internet was amazing when only technically-capable people were on it. Or in other words, everything gets ruined by being too popular.

[–] 16 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Ads are an anti-pattern for me. If I have to sit through your bullshit I am NOT buying your product. It’s in your best interests for me to run an ad blocker. I also run Sponsorblock to skip the product-shilling parts, similar reasons. I buy things on merit after researching, not because I saw it on a video.

Still, by watching the video, it will be recommended to other people because it’s popular. Being a little tounge-in-cheek here but I like to think that by watching it, I am crowdsourcing the ad revenue aspect to other viewers who will sit through the ads.

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