
joined 3 years ago
[–] 9 points 3 months ago

Verstehe als Schweizer nicht ganz, wie genau das definiert wird. Ich dachte, "Linksextreme" wären Teile der radikalen Linken, welche Gewalt (ob gegen Sachen oder Menschen, defensiv oder offensiv) ausüben (bereits eine komische definition, aber naja).

Aber im Artikel steht, der Präsident vom Verfassungsschutz "gehe von rund 37.000 Menschen aus, von denen etwa 11.000 gewaltbereit seien". Also ist eine Mehrheit von "Linksextremen" gar nicht "gewaltbereit" laut Verfassungschutz? Woher wollen die das wissen? Und wer zählt alles denn als "Linksextrem"? Menschen, die das Kapitalistische Wirtschafssystem überwinden möchten? Dann wären ja alle Linken, oder zumindest die meisten, "Linksextrem". Selbst die Sozialdemorkatische Partei der Schweiz wäre dann ja, laut Ihrem Parteiprogram zumindest, "Linksextrem".. Und die ganzen Umweltaktivisten, welche einen "Systemwechsel" fordern, erst recht. Aber das ist ja auch nichts neues, also was genau hat sich denn geändert? Und wer sind denn genau die "zahlreichen Akteuren aus dem linksextremistischen Spektrum", zu welchen die Organisation angeblich Kontakte hat? Und natürlich geht es bei zivilem Ungehorsam darum, das Gesetz (vor allem sinnlose Gesetze) zu brechen.. Das ist ja der Sinn des ganzen.

Wirkt alles etwas willkürlich, oder sehe ich das falsch?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah, this is what I don't understand about windows. I get that as an IT professional, I don't have a much of patience for sluggish system and that average users might not care that much about system responsiveness, but from my anecdotal experience, it has started to bug the average user too.

Even on a high-end device, windows just doesn't feel smooth at all. And for some reason, it seems to get worse with every major release. How can you be a major industry leader, have users with more and more performative hardware, but your software seems to perform worse and worse?

[–] 13 points 1 year ago

No. States are inherantly authoritarian entities, but authoritarianism is not simply a synonym for fascism. Authoritarianism is essential to fascism and fascism is always authoritarian, but not all forms of authoritarianism are fascist.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

A normal person should not have to deal with different distros.

Ideally, clients would get shipped with linux of course, but at the moment, that's hardly an option. There could also be value in having clients shipped with different distros installed.

Apple forbids you to install it on a banana. Fuck apple.

For this reason I would never buy an apple device again. However, I do see the value of having a super stable and controlled environment where it is super hard for users to fuck things up.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I use Ubuntu as my main operating system in my Desktop, but I always end up feeling very limited.

I used to use Ubuntu for a long time and had a similar experience where there were constantly annoying issues. I have since distrohopped around and ended up with fedora, which even though it is a more cutting edge distro, the experience has been a lot smoother and more stable, even compared to windows.

Maybe Linux is not good for beginners working full time?

I mean any OS takes time until you get fully into it and I would say Linux does take maybe a little more effort simply because there are more options in terms of pretty much everything. First, you need to be familiar with the concept of having different distros and be familiar with the differences between distros. Then you need to actually figure out how to install a new OS, which can be tricky to most people who are not that familiar with IT.

Another thing is that an experience with an OS can depend largely based on what hardware you are using. That's why apple strictly controls the hardware on which their OS can run on. Microsoft has also started restricting this slightly. Linux goes the complete opposite direction by trying to allow running linux on any possible system.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Well it's not bad in theory, it just runs like ass.. This version already runs 10 times faster than the real thing, sometimes I wonder what the hell is going on over at Microsoft.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I used to fuck around with desktop shortcuts for fun. For example, replacing the internet browser shortcut with a shortcut to a script that starts the browser, but also does other weird stuff, often only after a certain time.

So somebody would "start the browser" and every 30 seconds, the script would open another browser window, or word, or close a browser window, or shut down the computer, etc.

I thought it was just harmless fun that was easy to fix and figure out, but the school IT would look everywhere to fix the strange issues and believed that students had installed a "hacked version" of firefox..

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

You are only going to see how truthful the platform is when the owners get a court demand or law enforcement at their doors.

Wait, so you expect a site admin to openly resist a court order and/or law enforcement when illegal activity takes place? And what does that have to do with "honesty"? There is a reason why servers like this have rules such as "don't request or link to specific pirated titles". It's because they don't want to get in trouble with the law.. And for good reason, they aren't superman after all, they cannot fight the law..

And surely we can agree that there are cases where providing law enforcement with information on illegal activity is not only the legal thing to do, but also the moral thing to do.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yep, anytime anyone accesses anything on the internet, there are certain privacy concerns to be had. They are generally not an issue if you aren't being reckless, but there is still always a risk.

If you are worried about anyone knowing your IP, the only way to avoid that is to not access the internet at all. The IP address is the address which is used to send you data, which is a necessity if you want to access anything. When you access a website for example, you are asking the web server to send you a webpage which you then see on your screen, otherwise you could not see it. In order for the server to send you that webpage, it needs your IP.

It's as if you asked "If I order a package online, do they know my address?". Well yes, they have to know your address, otherwise they cannot send you the package.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

Am I sharing my IP address/ location with my host instance?

Yes. If you connect to any server whatsoever, the server will have to know your IP, otherwise it can not send any data to you and the whole connection cannot be established. With your IP, one can figure out your (rough) location.

is there a log of my view history

As far as I can tell, yes. There is the option "show read posts" in your option menu which hides posts you have already read. In order for this to work, your read history has to be saved somewhere.

are there general privacy concerns that I am not thinking of?

There are always privacy concerns when accessing/using any service or server on the internet, at the end of the day it comes down to protecting yourself and using services you trust.

A potentially specific issue with federated, decentralized and self-hosted services such as lemmy is that the people who are running the servers are mostly hobbyists. Most will probably also work in IT professionally, but in general, people who host lemmy are doing it in their spare time at their own cost. This could potentially mean that they have less resources to secure their servers and the data on it than a multi-million dollar company.

Another thing to keep in mind on lemmy is that private/direct messages are not encrypted, which means that server admins can read your direct messages (there is a warning about this when you write a direct message).

I do not want to be in a position where a Government creates an instance, and allows them to monitor.

I'm not quite sure if I understand your worry here correctly. In general, most of the content that is posted on lemmy is publicly available anyway, so they wouldn't even need an account to get that information, let alone their own instance.

And if governments have an issue with a user where they want information on a user, they can just contact the site admin and demand the information from them. So if you are planning on posting stuff that is considered illegal where you are from or if you are planning to access content that is considered illegal, Lemmy is probably a bad place to do that

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The sorting algorithm seems like it needs a bit of work. I don't have the issue that I see month old posts, I tend to see very new and not very upvoted posts instead, but that's fine with me. I just saw your post on hot near the top page, for example.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

I don't host a lemmy instance yet, but I host other services and I do it mainly for fun. As far as I have read, a small scale lemmy instance runs very well on very low performance hardware, which means the cost of running it is probably less than 10 $ a month.

The big lemmy instances that need better hardware have patreons and other services where people can donate money.

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