
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Sorry for the ambiguity, I intend to use this for audio applications (specifically I want to shift 20 kHz to 100 kHz down to human hearing range, tunable by a pot.)

Given the price and low supply I think I'll go ahead and try to wind my own transformers--thanks for the video, seems perfect!


I've recently been learning about superhet and frequency mixing and wanted to start tinkering. Specifically I'd like to try using two heterodynes in series to first frequency shift then uninvert the original audio, sort of like an analog frequency shifter.

To do this, I'd need a frequency mixer. I've been looking at a ring modulator (like which should require 4 shottky diodes and 2 center-tapped transformers. I've had difficulty locating an affordable transformer, with good enough fidelity for audio, that also includes a center tap.

I have a few questions:

  • Where can I locate affordable, good-enough-for-audio transformers?
  • Is the ring mod approach good enough? I see there's also a gilbert cell.
  • Any general advice for someone just starting a project like this?


[–] 3 points 2 months ago

For a country with a huge amount of land and shore, that makes sense for them. But some form of nuclear (uranium fission, thorium fission, fusion?!) continues to be an important part of the world's weaning off of fossil fuels

[–] 5 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Hi everyone,

I have put together a simple python script to automatically transcode all your favorited music on Jellyfin to a directory, for use with, for example, Syncthing. This has made it dead simple to manage the subset of my music library I keep downloaded on my phone: simply favorite to add, unfavorite to remove.

I'm hoping that someone out there finds it useful. Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi everyone,

I've got quite a long drive coming up and was interested in finding some audiobooks, which got me thinking, has anyone listened to (also, do they exist) any programming-centric audiobooks recently?

I figure podcasts might be the more popular format for technical content, but I'd be more interested in an audiobook if people know of any good ones.

I'm primarily a python developer if that helps narrow it down. Interested in LLMs, python core stuff, message brokers, databases, whatever!

Let me know if you have any leads!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I do not listen to enough ufo podcasts to know how they compare, but I've seen "that ufo podcast" around a lot

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Just like the trillions of parameters that make up machine learning models that can speak or create images


Let me know what you think!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

My original intention was that any query that does not begin with "O Obelisk" would fail (return "..."), but I've since realized how bad of a user experience that is... It now accepts any query shorter than 140 characters!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Hey all, I have been putting together this little toy app recently that is arguably completely antithetical to "Actually Useful AI"... but I wanted to try and get some initial feedback anyways. It's a simple site where you query an obelisk for sage advice. That's it. It's here if anyone wants to try it, curious what you guys think: If there's a better place to post this, please let me know!