Man if I came there to bid on a domain auction like that and I saw The Onion place a bid I'd be like nah man that's too good you can just have it I'm done here.
The slight difference being that even though the 2019 Corolla still runs just fine, you will be forced to upgrade to the 2025 Corolla regardless, at some point before 2029 (or pay an absurd amount to extend your warranty a few years).
After 2029, Toyota essentially puts a big flashing sign on your car saying "HIT ME!". You can't take the sign off. You could run it on a closed track somewhat safely, but you do have to make sure you've got some really strong gates protecting the track, otherwise someone is bound to find it and take it for a joyride or smash it with a hammer just for fun.
They're just very exited, give them a break.
Dude, it was like 70F here on Halloween night. Both my kids were sweating bullets when we got them out of their costumes. A couple kids in our group had to take them off because it was overbearing.
Hell I went as Hagrid so my costume was like...sweatpants and a wig. And I had to take my wig off. Granted, I had filled my 30oz Yeti with a pretty strong cocktail for the walk. But still.
Plugging a book i liked...The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben.
Made me look at trees and forests a whole new way.
Godwin's Horseshoe.
Native Americans are not The Chosen People.
--Joseph Smith
This would be much more useful if it also showed the where the airports and seaports are. The rail layout makes no sense without knowing why they put them there.
And possibly get a damn nice router for not much money.
Sent via my Xiaomi AX6S
Technically, yes.
Assuming the canabee is consenting freely, and likely has to be done in a way not violating other laws. Like some variety of a pain kink where people slice of small portions of each others meaty bits and eat them. That's probably a thing, though likely not very popular among vegans.
Think about it as if its about consent. The bees don't consent to their honey being taken. Cows don't consent to be repeatedly impregnated and milked. Pigs don't consent to their butts becoming bacon. Chickens don't consent to their eggs being taken.
However, the miller and the baker both consented to milling/kneading, and later selling their wares.
Human breast milk can be vegan, though, if given freely. If you forcefully take human breast milk, then it is no longer vegan.
Which one was she? Psychological?