Thanks for checking in on me and standing up for me re the Reddit post, pals.
Rough times over here but everyone’s alive so it can’t be that bad. Miss you! ❤️
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
Ongoing discussions, FAQs & Resources (still under construction)
Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Thanks for checking in on me and standing up for me re the Reddit post, pals.
Rough times over here but everyone’s alive so it can’t be that bad. Miss you! ❤️
It’s so good to see you around Lemon.
We were worried about you and have been keeping an eye on when you’d come back.
It’s a very friendly space here if you need to talk or just vent into space as well if you feel like you need to.
Anyway Welcome back!
Yay you're here. We've missed you. Please check in anytime. It's soooo nice here without smartarses. Yay.
I'm almost scared to go check reddit but it's great to see you here 🍋
Hi there! I was u/Positive_Complaint over there, and I occasionally contributed but mostly lurked. Sorry people were such jerks about your post.
😭😭😭 just got an email from the palaeontologist guy I sponsor on patreon, he was contacted by Make a Wish who asked him if he could take a little kid on a dino dig. The kid just loves dinosaurs. He and the foundation seeded a beach area with bones and megalodon teeth and the little kid had a great time finding them all .
Must've blown that kids mind!..... Fast forward 30 years to this isn't as easy as I remember...🤣
I was just browsing r/melbourne and came across u/lemondrop post. Maybe someone can reach out and tell her it's nicer over here.
I hope I did the link right. Lol.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💜 ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡
So I'm going axe throwing tm for a bucks and it was a very confronting waiver.
I don't have a beneficiary or executor :(
Well Dymocks has now confirmed that the basic contact information has been stolen and published on the dark web.
That might explain the barrage of calls I’ve been getting and ignoring since Monday.
Don’t like that my date of birth is out there now with my name.
Ahhh so that's why.... Fuckin dymocks. Took a month for my order to get here and on top of it all now this.
Decided to take NtccJnr to the beach straight grom school. Best decision. So nice here this arvo.
This year just keeps giving. Got some bad news at doc today and being sent for scan on Monday. Currently panicking about cancer.
Just tried the tap pressure gauge.
Who wants a kilopascal I have 600 of them eee.
what a rush.
Japchae for dins to celebrate.
Something funny to me is that out of the 5 weeks I took off work, traveling throughout the US and spending almost 2 weeks in Vegas.. it's the Friday night before I go back to work that I finally get drunk. At home in Melbourne. By myself.
Wahhh. Long long day out in the 'Rat using every last drop of my EQ to help smooth out a delicate family situation but it turned out good. I'm just wiped out though. Won't be able to drive back up there again until I buy a car some day but I will NOT miss the Western Highway for a second.
Highlight of the day was this VERY friendly boi. He hates kids but just showers everyone else with tender affection. I love him.
e: also I accidentally drank caffeinated tea way too late this afternoon, help
Another jigsaw done. 🤗 This one of birds but strangely I did the vegetation first. Also, it only had a tiny instruction picture .
Garden is looking good today, I really should be doing some weeding.
Image is a magnolia with a hot pink rhododendron in front on a sunny day
- dawn run, admittedly snooze-y day, but then super active evening walk....and he still wants to play
Knock Knock
Who's there
Anubis wh......
This is my next jigsaw puzzle. It's the Weighing of the Heart in the afterlife , the sins of the heart have to weigh less than a feather ( it's a totally very heavy feather 😉 )
( this is a better reference )
Watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I saw it as a kid, but don’t really remember it. The movie was famous for the technological first of mixing animation with live film.
My kid came home from work experience at 4pm. We ate dinner. She told me she tried out the bidets. She liked them. She said she was tired. I haven't seen her since.
tossed in the towel on today as I had the grump. Still somehow managed to dig out another greenhouse footing trench, repair the tanks (minor leaks) and irrigatia system, and do a fuckton of washing.
Also went fucking terminator on an ants nest after the little shits invaded the house. Shoulda stuck to the compost heap, boys.
I'm going through all my papers and I found this