You vote for fascism, you get fascism.
And we're barely a month in.
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You vote for fascism, you get fascism.
And we're barely a month in.
Mind you, he isn't somebody who has ever voted in a US election, having never gotten further than an appointment with immigration officials at the border.
I don't think referred to him, but to Americans generally.
As in "look at the fascist fucking mess we have made for ourselves, and it has barely even started. We asked for this and now it's happening, it's all our falult and it's all fucked".
Yeah, I hate this kind of statement.
No. I personally did not ask for this.
I did not want this.
I will not take responsibility for this.
I will not allow you to rope me into your attempt to diffuse reponsibility.
I, myself, am increasingly at risk of finding myself shipped off to Guantanamo Bay. Every immigrant they do this to brings them one step closer to me. Call me selfish, but imo I have no duty to anyone when it comes to cleaning up the mess that I voted against. Instead, I'm gonna be finding ways for myself and other trans people to get out of the country while I still can.
You can claim responsibility and try to clean up if you want to, but I'm gonna be trying to leave.
Sure, let me just fly across the atlantic to clean up the mess that you made while you and all the other ones responsible flee the mess.
I will not take responsibility for this.
That's not how this works.
Germany and the germans had to take responsibility for what the Nazis did. The same way you and all us-americans will have to take responsibility for what Trump does/will do.
Weasling yourself out of your responsibilities is highly irresponsible, disrespectful to all of Trumps victims and is directly enabling fascism. Remember that most Germans weren't Nazis, they were just willing enough to stand by as the Nazis commited their crimes. Enabling a genocide still makes you responsible for a genocide.
The quote of Martin Niemöller comes to mind.
And if you really want to leave: Please don't come to Europe. We already had one Martin Niemöller and learned our lesson, we don't need you anymore for that.
Ah, yes, I forgot that the Jewish Germans, LGBT Germans, disabled Germans, and so on, had to take responsibility for what the Nazis did to them. I forgot that it was their fault that the Nazis got to where they did, and furthermore, it was their fault for not doing enough to stop the Nazis. Don't want to be genocided? Just say, "no"!
I'm trans. I'm next in line. You're victim-blaming, asshole.
Edit: I voted for Harris, not Trump. Why don't you go ahead and tell me I shoulda voted third-party or something, hmmm? Or should I have picked up a gun and exercised my 2nd amendment rights? Go ahead, tell me how I'm responsible for this.
I'm not stupid.
I didn't vote for that orange piece of shit.
Yet this isn't the first time someone's demanded that I take partial responsibility for my own oppression.
I'm with you here, I'm so sick and tired of the "please fuck us up we deserve it" rhetoric. personally I've been through enough anguish and i just wanna be left alone, but now i gotta worry about me and my partners survival.
I hate to say it, but it's kind of right in a way. Those of us who knew right from wrong and let it slide by because the wrong was coming from our family and friends and loved ones and we ignored it long enough to fester to the point we have a full on nazi party again. It's not our fault these people are vile soulless creatures, but it's our fault for doing nothing about all the obvious signs that have been present for decades.
I wasn't. I was trying to educate the people around me, but they didn't want to be educated. They wouldn't listen. Hell, my grandparents swore they wouldn't vote for Trump again and did it anyway. What was I supposed to do, take them out back and put em out of their misery?
I mean, cutting all ties isn't unreasonable in my mind when it's Nazi rhetoric.
That's not something I have the freedom to do right now, unfortunately. I'm working on it, though tbh, they're pretty old. I kinda doubt they're gonna make it more than 4yrs. The other Trump voters, though? Yeah. Fuck 'em.
But you get what I'm saying, it's not about you or me, it's about us collectively being complacent. The left sat on their hands.
This is just one of the many reasons that the argument the right keeps repeating about all manner of privacy invasions and infringements of rights and due process that "the good ones have nothing to fear" is complete and utter bullshit.
Yeah, almost none of them are. That's not the point for conservatives. The point is that they're brown.
I'm sure pretty much all of them are innocent
I'm sure that by random chance a few of them may be gang members, but that's what happens if you pick up a random group of people. Most will be perfectly fine and nice people, a few will be bad.
That does leave the thousands others that are innocent and are now being put in terrorist jail cells. Well, cells designed for terrorists anyway, a good amount of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay were innocent too yet spent decades there
What a fucking shit show is the US