If you're not aware, the fediverse canvas is a collaborative canvas, where fediverse users can login with a fediverse account, and place a single pixel every few minutes. The project will run for a few days, and at the end, the we will have a giant collaborative canvas!
This was the 2023 lemmy effort! https://cdn.sc07.company/canvas/2023/finished.png
For 2024, the entire fediverse can join, not just lemmy!
The canvas site can be found here https://canvas.fediverse.events/. It's not open yet, but we can create and test templates, ready for go live!
You can find more details about the 2024 fediverse canvas project here https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/14077575
I'm keen to see our new mascot Shonky get some visibility! For those of you who are graphically inclined, we can pre-emptively create a template, so when the event kicks off, we can hit the ground running! Shonky's image files can be found here https://github.com/blahaj-zone/shonky. If someone creates a template, please share the link!
Here is a template that I made: https://canvas.fediverse.events/#x=555&y=352&zoom=1&tu=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FatMpGA6.png&tw=100&tx=200&ty=441&ts=ONE_TO_ONE
pixelation was done by this website: https://giventofly.github.io/pixelit/ the location can be changed but where it is currently kind of hides the more iffy parts of it off the edge of the canvas (and I think it would be cute having Shonky peering over the edge.)
Here a 75px wide version if we want to take up less space: https://canvas.fediverse.events/#x=278&y=449&zoom=6&tu=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fzgc9A9J.png&tw=75&tx=200&ty=456&ts=ONE_TO_ONE
don't mind me imgur isn't working